You haven’t done anything wrong…at least not consciously…
We all have something called the subconscious mind, which means “existing in the mind but not consciously known or felt”.
According to research, 95% of the time our life is controlled by the subconscious mind. We use our conscious mind, where our desires and aspirations reside, only 5% of the time…
Therefore, no matter what thoughts or feelings we want to have, if our subconscious mind is programmed to think or feel differently, you will not be able to change them.
Let’s say you would like reduce your stress at work. You consciously know it’s important and healthy to do that. However, you might have a subconscious belief that stress helps you “get things done”, and that if you were to let go of it you would just relax, become lazy, and accomplish nothing.
No matter how much you want to let go of stress, you will only truly overcome it once you change this subconscious belief about stress.
The most effective way to reach your subconscious is by relaxing into a deeper state of mind where you can effectively become aware of these beliefs and make changes to your subconscious blueprint.
So is there a system or a process that will put you in that perfect state of mind so that your negative subconscious programming can be replaced by positivity and a sense of focused calm?
There is, and that’s hypnotherapy.