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Next Challenge Starting In...



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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Close Your Eyes and Lose Weight For Good By Rewiring Your Mind With The #1 Weight Loss Protocol
Achieve Long-Term Results Without Any Harmful Habits, Strict Workouts, or Unrealistic "Fad Diets"
✔️ Created by world's leading Hypnotherapist
✔️ Proven protocol ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10,000+ happy clients
✔️ Results guaranteed, or your money back
⏰ Only 20 Min Per Day |  🎧 Daily Hypnotherapy Audios | 💪 Daily Accountability 
✔️ Created by world's leading Hypnotherapist
✔️ Proven protocol ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10,000+ happy clients
✔️ Results guaranteed, or your money back
⏰ 20 Min/Day with 🎧  Audios  💪  Accountability 
Normally $297 Sale Price: $97
close your eyes,
Lose Weight
This challenge is designed for those who want to feel amazing in mind, body and emotion. While most weight loss programs establish harmful habits or destructive mental patterns, ours does the opposite; you will rewire your brain to have a loving relationship with your body, food and exercise… and you will watch the pounds melt off (for good) as a result.
“I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing Grace’s hypnotherapy first hand and she is the absolute master of her craft. If you suspect your weight gain was rooted in something deeply emotional that you have not yet been able to access and heal, you must read her book!”

—JJ Virgin, multi-#1 New York Times bestselling author, certified nutrition specialist, board certified holistic nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist 
Lose Weight in 12 Weeks Or Your Money Back
We believe so much in this program and its ability to unlock a healthier, happier lifestyle for you that we are willing to put our money where our mouth is. Give this program just 12 weeks and we guarantee you will lose weight - and keep it off - more easily than any fad diet you have ever tried. 
Next Challenge Starting In...
Join Thousands Of Other Souls Who Have Lost Weight and Fallen In Love With Themselves During the Process:
Here's what past live challenge members have to say about their experience and results:
Check out the kinds of experiences
 our clients have had!
"I have lost 39 lbs, which crushes any dream that I ever had, goal that I set out to to accomplish during this."
"I'm currently weighing in around 155 which is well over a 23 pound weight loss. I'm just really excited about my energy level and the way that daily exercise has become an important part of my life again."
"losing 4-5 inches on my hips, legs, and 3 inches on my waist!!" 
Take my hand.
We'll do this together
Grace Smith
Founder - Grace Hypnosis
In my years of helping clients just like you overcome the subconscious hurdles that are blocking weight loss success, doing this together in community has one massive advantage to it and that is… ACCOUNTABILITY!

This 90-Day “Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight” Challenge is my way of making sure you have a hand to hold throughout your weight loss journey. Giving up too early is the number one reason people don’t meet their weight loss goals… I promise that throughout this live challenge I, my team, and our entire accountability group will be with you every step of the way.

My team of certified hypnotherapists and I will be there to answer your burning questions, and most importantly, be there when you need the motivation to keep going. Let's do this, together.
With love,


You Want To Feel Absolutely, Completely, Wholly, And Un-Abashedly
In Body, Mind & Emotions
And we're going to help you get there.
Join a 90-Day group weight loss challenge designed to expertly guide you through each chapter of Grace Smith’s bestselling new book, “Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight.” You'll reprogram your subconscious mind, upgrade your limiting beliefs and see the results in your body, mind, and improved emotional states. Experience what it’s like to lose weight with confidence and certainty - and you'll be succeeding right alongside others who are on the same exact journey with you, at the same exact time. You will receive your log in details right after you sign up so that you can get started the following day and because we know that things happen, we will add an extra two weeks of access to your account.
Prepping for Your Ninety-Day Journey 
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Before the challenge even officially kicks off you’ll learn how to prepare yourself for success over the coming 90-Day Journey.
  • Meal Prep: Our fool-proof way to ensure you’ll eat helpful meals, no matter how busy you are.
  • How to stay motivated even when the inevitable self-sabotage slump pumps up to try and take down your progress.
  • How to use the journal pages and other forms provided for you throughout “Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight”
  • ​And more!
How to Hypnotize Yourself for Weight Loss
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Another bonus week for you before the challenge even officially kicks off!
  • You’ll learn to master a fundamental tool in your new lifelong, healthy relationship with food: self-hypnosis.
  • Learn the differences between the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, how hypnosis works, why it works and most importantly, how to use it when you need it most.  
The Real Reason that
Willpower Alone
Never Works
Your habits and patterns have become habitual. To change them, we need to go where they live.
You haven’t done anything wrong… at least not consciously… 

We all have something called the subconscious mind, which means “existing in the mind but not consciously known or felt”. 

According to research, 95% of the time our life is controlled by the subconscious mind. We use our conscious mind, where our desires and aspirations reside, only 5% of the time…

Therefore, no matter what thoughts or feelings we want to have, if our subconscious mind is programmed to think or feel differently, you will not be able to change them. 

Let’s say you would like reduce your stress at work. You consciously know it’s important and healthy to do that. However, you might have a subconscious belief that stress helps you “get things done”, and that if you were to let go of it you would just relax, become lazy, and accomplish nothing. 

No matter how much you want to let go of stress, you will only truly overcome it once you change this subconscious belief about stress. 

The most effective way to reach your subconscious is by relaxing into a deeper state of mind where you can effectively become aware of these beliefs and make changes to your subconscious blueprint. 

So is there a system or a process that will put you in that perfect state of mind so that your negative subconscious programming around weight loss and eating can be replaced by more productive programming and a sense of focused calm?  

There is, and that’s exactly what this 90-Day Challenge is designed to help you learn.
Why Hypnosis
Forget what you see in the movies. Put simply, Hypnosis feels like meditation but with a goal. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to bring you into a relaxed state where you can work on the goals that are most important to you.
Hypnosis is a natural, familiar state. We all move in and out of the hypnotic state all day long. For instance, sometimes we go into this state when we’re driving, watching TV, listening to music, or working on a project that we’re passionate about.

In a more relaxed state, you can make extremely powerful changes in your life because it is the state in which you are the most receptive, creative, and intuitive.

Hypnosis produces increased awareness of the unconscious mind, heightened sense of suggestibility, and deep relaxation to access the subconscious mind without resistance. This allows for brain wave state shifts to take place to promote wellness and recovery. 
Diet plan illustration
Let's explore the 90-Day Challenge together:
90 Day ChallengeTimeline
The Last Stop On Your Weight Loss Journey Is Just Ahead
Get started by clicking this button
Prepping for Your Ninety-Day Journey 
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Before the challenge even officially kicks off you’ll learn how to prepare yourself for success over the coming 90-Day Journey.
  • Meal Prep: Our fool-proof way to ensure you’ll eat helpful meals, no matter how busy you are.
  • How to stay motivated even when the inevitable self-sabotage slump pumps up to try and take down your progress.
  • How to use the journal pages and other forms provided for you throughout “Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight”
  • ​And more!
How to Hypnotize Yourself for Weight Loss
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Another bonus week for you before the challenge even officially kicks off!
  • You’ll learn to master a fundamental tool in your new lifelong, healthy relationship with food: self-hypnosis.
  • Learn the differences between the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, how hypnosis works, why it works and most importantly, how to use it when you need it most.  
The Foundations Of Weight Loss
What we'll be exploring together:
  • This week is all about three words: Chew, Hydrate, Stop!
  • You'll discover the building blocks of weight loss, and we'll explore together the initial steps of rewiring your mind to eat less while still feeling vibrant and full.
Limiting Beliefs That Have To Go
What we'll be exploring together:
  • You've probably heard of limiting beliefs before. But what we're going to be exploring this week is deeper than normal…
  • We'll be discovering the hidden and nuanced nature of subconscious limiting beliefs. You'll discover what yours are - and how to get in control of them once and for all.
  • ​A few of the most common subconscious limiting beliefs we’ll tackle include: emotional eating, eating when bored, carb addiction, sugar addiction, negative self-talk, meal planning / cooking challenges, binge eating, hating my body, friend / family sabotage, stress, lack of sleep, and more.
Intuitive Eating
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Intuitive eating is eating or not eating what’s right for you, right now, in this moment.
  • By accessing your subconscious mind, learn what foods are making you feel sluggish, unhealthy, unhappy, disgusting, gross.
  • ​Learn which foods your body is craving more of.
  • ​Learn to tap into the power of intuitive eating when prepping your meals, when food shopping, when ordering at a restaurant.
  • ​And perhaps most importantly, determine when you are experiencing a genuine sensation of hunger vs. an uncomfortable emotion.
Training Your Brain To Crave Exercise
What we'll be exploring together:
  • In this module you are going to learn how to CRAVE exercise!
  • You will access your subconscious to discover the kind of movement your body most enjoys and then train your subconscious mind to do that for twenty minutes per day.
  • ​Why? When you exercise enough times in a row that it becomes habitual, the release of endorphins will be experienced through movement (not food) and over time, you will come to crave positive release of endorphins.
Emotional Eating
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Emotional eating is the most common pitfall that stops effective weight loss in its tracks. 
  • Oftentimes, before a negative thought or emotion has even registered, there’s already food in our mouth. 
  • ​In this module, you will train yourself to notice your emotional state before reaching for the bag of potato chips, so that a new, helpful behavior can be chosen enough times that it becomes habitual.
Eating When Bored
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Eating because of boredom is the second highest reason for weight gain - right after emotional eating.
  • When the body automatically goes to eat out of boredom, it's because the bored brain is seeking dopamine (one of the pleasure chemicals).
  • This week, we'll explore new habits and new patterns that will replace the old "boredom eating" habits that have built up for years.
  • ​When we're done, you'll be getting your oh-so-amazing dopamine release in healthier ways!
Eating When Bored
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Eating because of boredom is the second highest reason for weight gain - right after emotional eating.
  • When the body automatically goes to eat out of boredom, it's because the bored brain is seeking dopamine (one of the pleasure chemicals).
  • This week, we'll explore new habits and new patterns that will replace the old "boredom eating" habits that have built up for years.
  • ​When we're done, you'll be getting your oh-so-amazing dopamine release in healthier ways!
Upgrade How You Reward Yourself
What we'll be exploring together:
  • Our brain is designed to do two things: feel good and survive. 
  • The mental reward mechanisms that have built up around your eating habits have put your brain into a destructive loop. This week, we'll begin to reprogram that loop.
  • This week we’ll also tackle one of the biggest “rewards” our society has taught us to become addicted to: sugar!
People & Places That Trigger You
What we'll be exploring together:
  • There are people, places, and other triggers that cause your subconscious to feel like it needs to eat. 
  • In this week's module, we'll find out what those triggers are so you can avoid their effects.
  • At first it can feel lonely, as if there is no one in the world who isn’t a trigger, but that’s only because your brain does not yet have a frame of reference to imagine a different kind of life. This week, that ends. 
Putting the Law of Attraction to Work
What we'll be exploring together:
  • The law of attraction is the universal law that you attract into your life whatever you are focusing on.
  • In this week's module, you’ll learn how to visualize and attract effective weight loss in a deep, authentic way that honors the healthiest version of your unique body.
  • This module will radically alter how you feel about yourself, how you see yourself in the mirror, and beliefs you have about your relationship to food.
  • ​Prepare to fall in love with your miraculous body.
Putting the Law of Attraction to Work
What we'll be exploring together:
  • The law of attraction is the universal law that you attract into your life whatever you are focusing on.
  • In this week's module, you’ll learn how to visualize and attract effective weight loss in a deep, authentic way that honors the healthiest version of your unique body.
  • This module will radically alter how you feel about yourself, how you see yourself in the mirror, and beliefs you have about your relationship to food.
  • ​Prepare to fall in love with your miraculous body.
How To Cope With Unwanted Attention
What we'll be exploring together:
  • This chapter will not be a necessary resource for all readers (if it is not you are encouraged to go back to a previous week where you need additional support - we’ll show you how to choose the right one), but for those who need it, it will provide you with access to a level of freedom you may not have had access to for years… 
  • One study has found that as many as 80% of obese women were sexually abused as children. For nearly all of the women in this study, a subconscious belief had formed as a protective, survival measure, and it was “the bigger I am in size, the more invisible I am to unwanted sexual behavior.”
  • Whether it’s from unwanted sexual advances from strangers, spouses, or catcalling jerks on the street, countless of my clients have struggled with weight loss because there exists subconscious beliefs that protective measures. At one time these subconscious beliefs may have been very comforting for and helpful to the client, but now, they are essentially entombing themselves in a prison of fear. The world can be a scary, unfair place but YOU deserve to experience freedom. You are worthy. You are deserving. You are ready.=
Overcome The Fear Of Success
What we'll be exploring together:
  • At this point in the program if you’ve truly been participating and following along, you'll no doubt be experiencing real, meaningful results.
  • Often, people encounter this "breakthrough" moment only for it to be immediately followed by self-sabotaging thoughts that try to move you back to old patterns. For example, “You’ve been so good! You’re doing so well, one little slice of cheesecake won’t hurt... let’s celebrate”… Sound the alarms, this is self-sabotage!!
  • This week we're going to get ahead of those patterns by strengthening your subconscious mind to release Resistance and get back on track!
Learning To Love Yourself
for the Long Run
What we'll be exploring together:
  • In this final module and final week, we're going to set you up for sustained success.
  • ​When you love your miraculous body right now, in this present moment, your choices will reflect the fact that you care about yourself. 
  • By the end of this week, you'll have the love-steeped subconscious programming you need to always make a conscious, positive decision for your body.
Learning To Love Yourself
for the Long Run
What we'll be exploring together:
  • In this final module and final week, we're going to set you up for sustained success.
  • ​When you love your miraculous body right now, in this present moment, your choices will reflect the fact that you care about yourself. 
  • By the end of this week, you'll have the love-steeped subconscious programming you need to always make a conscious, positive decision for your body.
The Real Reason that
"Fad" Dieting
Never Works
Your eating habits and relationship with food have become habitual. To change them, we need to go where they live… into your subconscious mind.
Dieting alone is not the key to sustained weight loss, positive self-image, or confidence. All dieting does is attempt to change what you are eating… not the how, not the why, not your habits, and certainly not your subconscious beliefs.

The billion-dollar weight loss industrial complex has done one thing very well: it's convinced you and millions of other people that the next "diet science breakthrough" will solve all of your weight loss challenges.

What they don't tell you is that you could be on the strictest, cleanest diet in the world, but it will probably fail. Why? Because you have deeply-rooted habits and beliefs around food that prevent your behavior from changing. Those habits will inevitably return you to your “safe”, old eating habits as soon as the excitement of a new diet wears away.
Diet plan illustration
Choose any diet you want, feel vibrant and healthy every day, and
Fall In Love With Your Miraculous Body
Choose any diet you want, feel vibrant and healthy every day, and
Fall In Love With Your Miraculous Body
After you've gone through this 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge, you'll have the right mental patterns in place to make your own intuitively helpful decisions around food and dieting. Your subconscious will be prepared to make those small "in the moment" decisions with your health and vitality in mind - instead of operating from that old place of insecurity and self-judgment.
Imagine having the mental power to take control of those "in-the-moment" urges that lead to overeating. Imagine never again feeling like you're at the mercy of a momentary, fleeting, and self-destructive desire to eat, stemming from uncomfortable emotions or boredom...

That is a reality within your grasp right now. No more jumping into the next big "fad" diet. You can ignore the "hottest" trends, you can get rid of the stack of confusing, conflicting dieting information you’ve been collecting over the years, and you can finally take control. You need to be in control of all the moments, big and small, in which you are making a decision about what to nourish your body with.

Once you do that, you'll start to feel better, wake up with more energy, and look at yourself in the mirror loving what you see.
If we could “hate” ourselves into your “perfect” body size,
none of us would need to lose weight.
Just about everyone’s inner dialogue about themselves in negative if not down right mean, or cruel. The truth is, if we could berate ourselves into losing weight effectively, we all would have succeeded when we turned 12 years old and picked up our first glossy magazine.

Use these next 90 days you’ll not only upgrade your subconscious limiting beliefs about food… you’ll upgrade your limiting subconscious beliefs about yourself.
Woman with vegetables illustration
3 months from now, you will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you aren't susceptible to the whims of the weight loss and dieting industry. You will be in control, because you will have fallen in love with yourself. 

Self-love and body positivity are actually requirements to effective, long-term weight loss. When you love yourself, you’ll have an innate desire to nourish your body with only the healthiest of foods and behaviors.
It’s time to stop feeding the bottom line of advertisers whose sole purpose is to make you feel less-than. It’s time to start feeding yourself (and your soul) with the food, positivity and emotional stability needed to live a confident, beautiful, and healthy life.

Don’t you think that's an endeavor worthy of 12 weeks of your time, attention, energy and investment?
Join Thousands Of Other Souls Who Have Lost Weight and Fallen In Love With Themselves During the Process:
Here's what past live challenge members have to say about their experience and results:
Below are results from a previous Weight Loss Challenge. Read the kinds of experiences our members have had... and imagine what we will do together over the course of our brand new 90 Day Challenge!
"losing 4-5 inches on my hips, legs, and 3 inches on my waist!! and 3 pounds!!" 
This was all in a matter of 3 weeks!
Think what your results could be after 3 months...
Amazing results... Imagine what YOU can achieve.
The #1 question that might be in your mind right now...
How Much Time Will This Take?
Great question! We know you’re busy, so we designed this challenge so you will experience maximum benefits with minimum effort.

You put in just a few hours over the next 3 months in exchange for a lifetime of positive body image and healthy eating.

You can expect to spend 20 minutes per day on the following:
  • Step 1: Listen to your daily Hypnosis Audio Recording (20 minutes)
  • You will be receiving DAILY accountability messages with encouragement and instructions :)
  • Step 2: (Optional) Share your daily progress inside our Facebook Group. Benefit from being able to ask questions, share wins and challenges inside the group and receive daily support from our team of certified Grace Method™ Hypnotherapists
  • Step 3: Celebrate together in community and hold each other accountable!
We've designed this 90-Day Challenge from the bottom-up so that’s it incredibly streamlined and intuitive for you to get the results you deserve. Even the hypnosis audios are designed for you to use as conveniently as possible - on any device. We've ensured that this challenge is easy, painless, and yes, even enjoyable!
Grace Hypnosis is absolutely loved by leading experts
Grace's hypnosis is absolutely loved by leading experts
Here's what the authorities are saying...
“I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing Grace’s hypnotherapy first hand and she is the absolute master of her craft. If you suspect your weight gain was rooted in something deeply emotional that you have not yet been able to access and heal, you must read this book!”

—JJ Virgin, multi-#1 New York Times bestselling author, certified nutrition specialist, board certified holistic nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist 
“Having worked with Grace personally I can attest to the deep wisdom in her hypnotherapy teachings. Releasing weight is a physical, mental and emotional endeavor; Grace’s book will help you dissolve any subconscious limiting beliefs that were blocking your success.” 

—Danette May, America’s leading healthy lifestyle expert 
“Self-sabotage is real . . . but it doesn’t have to stop you! Having worked with Grace personally, I can tell you that her work will absolutely change your life. If you’re ready to clean out subconscious cobwebs, power up, and love yourself like never before, Grace’s book will show you how.”

—Gala Darling, author and speaker
“Having lost over 100lbs myself I can attest to how self-sabotage lives on even after the weight is gone... unless you are committed to upgrading and healing your subconscious beliefs as well. Grace is my personal hypnotherapist and the positive impact she's had on my life truly isn't quantifiable. I recommend Grace's work and this book if you are ready to change your life and health in unprecedented, unbelievable ways.” 

—Scott Oldford, entrepreneur 
“I had the privilege of working with Grace as my hypnotherapist. Her hypnotherapy not only fueled my weight loss of 15 pounds of body fat in 60 days—it jumpstarted long-term habits of consistent exercise and healthier food choices that have lasted well beyond the time we worked together. Both self-control and motivation around my health & wellness choices come so much more easily thanks to the abundance mentality that - for the first time in my life—I was able to develop. I’m incredibly grateful for the life-changing guidance provided by Grace and I’m so excited for you to experience the power of hypnosis as you read Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight!”

—Brigid McCuen, creative producer, MedCircle
“Weight loss is a mental process as much as it is a physical process. People want to look great, yes, but they also want to feel great. With plenty of options to address the physical processes of weight loss, how do we change our mindsets to stick to healthy choices in the long-term and feel great? With hypnosis. In my experience as a nutrition coach, there is no better ‘workout’ for the mind and a more effective tool for changing habits that will ensure lasting results like using Grace Smith’s hypnosis protocols alongside your weight loss plan.”

—Jovanka Ciares, CHWC, RH
You're ready, and you deserve it. Take the next step and
Enroll In The 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge!
Click below to enroll!
90-Day Weight Loss Challenge
by Grace Hypnosis
  • 90 Days Of Daily Posts, Emails & SMS - Motivation from Grace and her team to help keep you on track chapter by chapter throughout your 90 day challenge.
  • An Accountability Community that keeps you motivated every day, every week, and every month.
You will see real results in 90 days.
We Guarantee It.
If you participate each week, and complete all homework assignments throughout the 90-Day live challenge and still don't feel that you have positively redefined your relationship with body or with food, we will issue a 100% refund on your purchase. Just email our team and your money will be sent back to your credit card within 48 hours.

We believe so much in this program and its ability to unlock a healthier, happier lifestyle for you that we are willing to put our money where our mouth is. Give this program just 12 weeks and we guarantee you will lose weight - and keep it off - more easily than any fad diet you have ever tried. 
You're ready, and you deserve it. Take the next step and
Enroll In The 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge!
Click below to enroll.
90-Day Weight Loss Challenge
by Grace Hypnosis
  • 90 Days Of Daily Posts & Motivation From Grace And Her Team -All To Help You Through Each Stage Of Your Reading Journey
  • An Accountability Community that keeps you motivated every day, every week, and every month.
  • A Private Membership Area filled with weekly video lessons from Grace to help you take the right next steps in each phase of your weight loss journey
You will see real results in 90 days.
We Guarantee It.
If you participate each week, and complete all homework assignments throughout the 90-Day live challenge and still don't feel that you have positively redefined your relationship with body or with food, we will issue a 100% refund on your purchase. Just email our team and your money will be sent back to your credit card within 48 hours.

We believe so much in this program and its ability to unlock a healthier, happier lifestyle for you that we are willing to put our money where our mouth is. Give this program just 12 weeks and we guarantee you will lose weight - and keep it off - more easily than any fad diet you have ever tried. 
The Last Stop On Your Weight Loss Journey Is Just Ahead
Get started by clicking this button
Copyright 2023 Grace Hypnosis. All rights reserved.
*This information should not be treated as a substitute for advice given by your General Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychiatric professional or any other healthcare professional. We encourage you to check with your physician before attempting any new therapies. We commonly work with our client’s health professional to provide well-rounded adjunct solutions when needed. Success from any kind of coaching, medical or hypnosis process cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your commitment, effort, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.